Friday, March 16, 2007

OK...I've been allowing Crystal to blog the running sagas, but I have to do a blog happy dance here today because I just ran 4 miles!! I know this is not that important to most of the world, but I'm super excited. Sure, I stopped and walked a couple times, but 4 miles!! In 59 minutes. I know...turtles go faster...but still. No knee pain. No cardiac or respiratory arrest and neither of my legs fell off or cramped. So yippee! Of course I'm going to be really really sore tomorrow, I'm sure. But I'm still on that lovely endorphin high right now. :)

EDITED to add that William is the best cheerleader ever. I said, "William, I just ran 4 miles. Can you believe that? Pretty good right?" And he enthusiastically responded, "Not just good. AWESOME!!" :) That's my boy.


Annette said...

Great job, Michelle!!

Michael said...

Congratulations Michelle! "One day," I keep telling myself. "One day."