Saturday, March 03, 2007

My kid cracks me up.

On the way home from Church tonight William decided we should tell jokes:

Me: Um. Let me think of a joke. Ok. Knock knock.
William: Who's there?
Me: Banana.

(insert several bananas from me and increasingly exasperated banana whos from William)

Me: Knock knock.
William: (heavy sigh) Who's there?
Me: Orange.
William: Orange who?
Me: Orange you glad I didn't say banana.
William: (giggling) Okay. You can come in. (Makes an unlocking and opening the door sound.) My turn. What did the mackerel say to the salmon?
Me: I don't know.
William: Hey, salmon.

When I realized that was his punchline, it cracked me up. Which was unfortunate, because it encouraged him to make up three more jokes: "What did the mackerel say to the mackerel?" "What did the other mackerel say to the other mackerel?" "And what did the mackerel say to all the mackerels?" all with punchlines involving "Hey" and "mackerel." Goofy kid.

1 comment:

lillyspad said...

LOL!!! To quote Rachel Ray..."Oh my GRAVY!" That is so funny. William: smart AND funny. Watch out moms of girls!