Monday, May 28, 2007

Oh the drama!

This conversation took place in the car just now. I lost my patience with William's incessant talk about getting a spotted tree monitor for a pet. I don't even know what it is, but it's a good of a pet can it be?

Me: William! Please, babe. Give me a break with the monitor talk!
William: I've only been interested in monitors for a short time now. (Yes, my 7-yr old actually talks like this. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing.)
Me: Yes, but you've been talking about them non-stop for that entire short time. I don't really know anything about monitors, and I don't even like reptiles that much.
William: Because they're ugly looking??
Me: Yeah, that, and they're not very nice.

At this point I glance over at William and his face is turned away from me and he's crying. Feel free to roll your eyes along with me.

William: *whips his head back around, full of righteous indignation* And they're habitat is being destroyed, Mom! You don't have to be so grumpy!

Oh brother! Such drama from a 7 year old! Can't wait to hit those teen years.

Friday, May 11, 2007

I'm officially excited about the Daisy 5K on Sunday. I feel pretty confident that barring catastrophic injury I'll be able to break 40 minutes. I know, I know...the land speed records are in danger. And William is actually, after oooooh....three months of extensive brainwashing, getting excited-ish about the Kids' K portion of the day. I think he'll be really excited when he gets his finishers' medal.

I feel like I've used a disproportionate amount of apostrophes in this post. Which reminds me of this lovely little grammar tidbit I happened upon today while trying to explain dropped quotes to my mom. I especially like the bit about the bird poop.

So yeah...this is me trying to give CPR to my blog. I like the idea of a blog, but don't feel comfortable talking about anything of substance here anymore. So I guess that leaves running fluff and bird poop.