Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My name is Michelle and I'm addicted to curling.

I've heard that admitting you have a problem is the first step in recovery. I couldn't find a group here in San Antonio, so I'm confessing in the (insert sarcasm here) oh-so-public spotlight (end sarcasm) of my blog that I am using, and influencing my son, an innocent minor, to use terms such as "spot rock" and "the hammer." I delayed starting homeschool today because I wanted to see if the US women's team could win their first match today after losing some heartbreakers. My only consolation is that 2 weeks from now, curling will fade back into obscurity and my addiction should return to dormancy. I only hope William won't be scarred for life by then.

In other news...I finished reading "The Mauritius Command", the fourth book in Patrick O'Brian's "Master and Commander" series, today. Good book. Good series. I'm also a huge fan of the Horatio Hornblower books. And books in general. I'm almost finished reading "The Hobbit" to William. We read the part today where Smaug flies out to attack Lake Town. Then I had to stop because the baby (did I mention that I'm nannying two days a week?) respectfully requested a bottle. While I was feeding her, William got out his legos and bristle blocks and made a big dragon and a small town and enacted what he thought the rest of the story would look like. He was uncannily accurate in his prediction. I'm kind of wishing I'd waited to read it to him, though. It makes me nervous when he talks about dragons and goblins and stuff around other people. Or maybe it's just my guilty conscience.

Now I'm guilty of corrupting my son on two counts! First fantasy and now curling.


Summer from Lorelei Caroline said...

Ben and Karl seem to be obsessed with curling too. I don't understand it. (I also have never watched.)

Crystal said...

Ha Ha! That's so funny!

I just told Jonathan last night that I really didn't see how curling was a sport but that I probably shouldn't judge it b/c I also used to think throwing a Frisbee around wasn't a sport either.

What can I say? I'm sheltered & I grew up in Texas.


Annette said...

Maybe your Canadian roots are coming out... Although I'm not sure what we can blame the fantasy on :)

Michael said...

I found myself strangely fascinated the other day while watching curling - particularly by the sweepers(?). I have no idea what the object of the sport is though.

BanjoBen said...

*gasp!* A fellow curling addict!!! I have become totally addicted to the sport after watching it during the olympics this year.