Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Our trip to France

So night before last, William decided that, since we now have pretend passports, we should take an imaginary trip. He was careful to reassure Papa and Grammy that we wouldn't be gone long, it was just an imaginary trip. He decided that we should go to Paris, France to see the Eiffel Tower and we should ride the Concord to get there because it's the fastest passenger plane. So we got on my bed (the Concord), after presenting our pretend passports to invisible people and took our imaginary trip to France. It was great! I even got pictures! :) many 5 yr olds know the following: 1) there's such a thing as an Eiffel Tower, 2) it's in Paris, 3) there's such a plane as a Concord, 4) it's the fastest passenger plane, 5) it flies to Paris. Ok, so they don't fly to Paris anymore, but he associates Concords with London and Paris b/c of the news coverage when they retired them...but that brings up another one--6)that there are cities called Paris and London and 7) that you need passports to get there.

So this is what I love about homeschool. Just by talking to my son and answering his questions with real answers, not baby answers, he knows lots of stuff! Real stuff! And he knows that there's a big world out there beyond his little house, and he thinks it would be cool to go see some of it. You don't have to use a curriculum to educate your kids. Just talk to them.


Michelle said...

Before anyone asks where the pictures are....I don't have them up yet. When I get them up...then they'll be up.


Crystal said...

still waiting...

Michael said...

So am I... I guess we need to get up to HQ sometime soon so Nick & William can hang out.