Friday, June 08, 2007

William gems from this week...

"Every time we ask Uncle Jonathan if we can watch Star Wars, his reply is no." He seems to be harboring some hard feelings here JB. :P

In a voice mail left for Jarek who was sick today: "Hi
Jarek. Just wondering how your fever's going and what the temperature is..."

At dinner tonight when I urged him to pull that super loose front tooth already! The thing's so loose it blows in the wind when he talks: "I'm not going to pull it. I'm going to wait until it's so loose that it literally falls out by itself."

I have to say I was particularly proud of, er, um, well-pleased with this correct usage of literally. For incorrect usages of literally, click here.

1 comment:

Annette said...

Has anyone ever told you that your kid's got brains? :)