Wednesday, December 21, 2005

So...I took a picture of the cardboard jungle that is my bedroom....but I can't find my cord to upload it to my computer. So by the time I actually have it online, it will probably be outdated. Instead, in this post, I will include a months old picture showing how glad Jonathan and Crystal were to have me living with them.

See below.

Feel the love.

Anyway, moving went well, but unpacking stinks. It's hard to unpack and continue with life at the same time. I mean, my day was already pretty full between working, homeschooling and occasionally sleeping. Where do I fit in the hours needed to get all this stuff I haven't seen in 5 years sorted and put away? Well, I haven't found hours yet. Just minutes daily. Every little bit helps, but the chaos is getting old.

You's much easier to start a blog post than it is to come up with a nice pithy ending for it. I'm pretty much done for tonight.


Crystal said...


We LOVED having you live with us. Those are our excited faces!

Crystal said...

P.S. I like that picture b/c my arms look skinny & I'm strategically hiding my double chin. YEA! (=

Crystal said...

This is fun. I like adding comments to your blog.

Um... ok... nothing more to say.

Summer from Lorelei Caroline said...

Oh I totally feel the love. Great use of that picture. :)