Friday, September 08, 2006


I just got off the phone...the phone call I've dreaded. The one setting up William's first visitation.

For Sunday.



Crystal said...


Crystal said...

was that helpful?

Michelle said...

Better you than me...or wait...if it's me, then do we have to go? Hmmm....

Desiree said...

Michelle, I'll be saying a few extra prayers for you this weekend. I was trying to think of something that could happen that would make him not want to visit, but none of them were very nice. So I've decided not to wish for any of those things :).

Michelle said...

Thanks, Desiree (how do you get the accent?). Prayers are appreciated. There's so much I want to say to him, but really probably shouldn't, so I'll have to practice some major self-restraint.