Michelle says:
I'm chanting silently to myself "OpenOffice is not the devil, OpenOffice is not the devil"
Michelle says:
but it's not working
Michelle says:
how do I change the font color
Michelle says:
it suddenly decided that I should type in maroon
cbelle says:
cbelle says:
maybe you should
Michelle says:
and now it won't let me go back to black
cbelle says:
open office is not the devil
Michelle says:
I see the button that in NORMAL word processors provides you with a pallet to choose from
Michelle says:
but in this one (the devil word processor, that is) it only provides you with the means to make other random chunks of your text a hideous color
cbelle saysa:
well- mine is on the Tool Bar
cbelle says:
well- there's got to be a way to put it up on your tool bar, too
cbelle says:
i'll look around
Michelle says:
I have the A on my tool bar
Michelle says:
but when I click on it it says "Font Color"
Michelle says:
and that's it
cbelle says:
cbelle says:
do you have an old version or something?
Michelle says:
it doesn't give me colors to choose from
Michelle says:
I would hope not, since I only downloaded it last week
cbelle says:
cbelle says:
click on it & kinda drag down at the same time
Michelle says:
Michelle says:
now I turned it blue
cbelle says:
click on the arrow right beside it
cbelle says:
and drag down a hair
Michelle says:
ok...the draggy thing worked
cbelle says:
cbelle says:
anything else?
Michelle says:
Michelle says:
one more thing
Michelle says:
Open Office is the devil
cbelle says:
Michelle says:
good and evil mixed you know...it's free, but it sucks
cbelle says:
you just don't like it b/c it looks different
Michelle says:
no...I don't like it b/c it doesn't do what I want it to do
Michelle says:
for example...it keeps bulleting everything
cbelle says:
you have to be SMARTER than the program
Michelle says:
and it won't stop
Michelle says:
see...that's the thing
Michelle says:
I don't want to be smarter than the program...I want it to be smarter than me so I don't have work so hard.
Michelle says:
If I wanted to be smarter than the program, I'd use a typewriter.