Monday, December 12, 2005

Moving Day!

In honor of moving day I want to post a tidbit of an article on a completely unrelated subject...parenting.

And just a few weeks ago, everyone was talking (mostly approvingly) about the N.Y. Times feature on a Chicago coffee shop owner who'd posted signs warning that customers' small children were expected to use "indoor voices" and refrain from running around banging into things.

Predictably, some shocked parents are now boycotting the shop. (The money quote from one: "What are we supposed to do, not enjoy ourselves at a café?" Yes, yes! If you can't control your kids, that's exactly what you're supposed to do!) Not so predictably, there was an outpouring of support for the coffee shop owner on the Times letters page a few days later, with one suggesting he be nominated for the Nobel Prize.

I thought that was beautiful. Here's the whole thing.

1 comment:

Annette said...

Whoo! The whole thing is fantastic. What kind of parent teaches her child to chant "Stomp Bush"?