Thursday, March 27, 2008


It seems that I have more than two, but not quite three, audiences. And at least 3/5 of the 5/2 of my readers are not privy to the conversations I have with Crystal.

Perhaps math is my other not strongest asset?

So, William set a new PR for the mile today--8:37. Now I owe him new shoes. He's been asking for new ones for a couple of weeks now, but stingy mommy that I am, I haven't given in. First of all, I just bought these shoes at the Feast. Second, they still fit. Third, the only thing wrong with them is the shoelaces are shredded, and shoelaces are way less expensive than shoes. But I haven't gotten him shoelaces either, just because I'm lazy, and they don't sell them at HEB so I'd have to go to Wal-mart, and that place is dangerous. I went in for an adapter last week and came out with a bunch of clothes. Not sure how that happened, really.

So, William had gotten in the habit of cruising through his mile at 10:15 or so. One of the main lessons I want to teach him with running is to push himself. He has a tendency to cruise through life in general. So last weekend I told him he could have new shoes if he broke 9 minutes. That was not sufficient motivation for him to do it yesterday, but today Jarek was at the park too. I told William he could have an extra 15 minutes of play time with Jarek if he broke 9 minutes and 8:37 was the result. Now I'm wishing I could take back the shoe promise, or exchange it for a sleepover or something, anything, cheaper than a pair of shoes that he will outgrow before they wear out. I'll know better next time.

Speaking of wearing out. It's past my bedtime.

Goodnight Crystal, Genna (that just doesn't sound right...can I just call you VA?), Stacy, Annette and Ryan. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice. Notation made for when we get to this age... "careful with the deal makings.."
