Thursday, March 01, 2007

Cool field trip.

William and I took a field trip to the San Antonio Zoo today. It's a pretty cool zoo. I was actually surprised. William was sooooo excited when he found out there were rhinos there. Black rhinos even! There was much jumping. :)

Actually, the rhino exhibit ended up being really cool. You could get pretty close to them and I got some good pics. And! we got there just at the right time. The keeper was feeding them and letting them out of their stables, and you could tell she was tickled by William's high-volume enthusiasm. When she got done with her work, she came over to us and asked if we had any questions. She told us about each of the four rhinos they have and was just really nice. William almost exploded. :)

I got quite a few pics before my camera died. Stupid battery. It only lasts like 1 hour now before dying. Unfortunately, my picture site is no more. I'm going to transfer all of that over to at some point, but that point is distant in the future. So for the time being, I'll probably just post pics on photobucket or some other such free online place-a-ma-bob.

As soon as we got home, William went to his desk and started drawing a picture of his zoo. That kid is animal crazy! :)

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