I've been enjoying reading various Feast blogs. Seems like everyone had a good Feast, but really...how do you have a bad Feast? I haven't blogged about the Feast yet. It was a good Feast, but not especially blog-worthy. The highlight for me was family. The "lowlight" was injuring my previously good knee. Big bummer. Oh and how could I forget highlight #2--no visitations for an entire month! Yippee! Then we had one yesterday, and I think everyone is getting bored with them. Really. Yesterday's was cut short by the person formerly known as William's dad because William kept saying he wanted to go home.
Post Feast, I'm putting structured homeschool on hold while we work on some attitude and discipline issues (William's not mine) and I work extra hours. I'm interested it what anyone who reads this did to entertain yourselves when you were kids? Also, what kind of chores did you do? I'm trying to come up with structured activities that William can do while I work and also ways that he can help out more around the house. Working from home is easier than working in the office, but it's still quite the balancing act, especially when I add in being the only parent and a homeschooling mom. So we're taking this week to re-establish our balance.
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Well, when I was a kid, I read a lot. Since we didn't have a bookstore or a library, that mostly meant re-reading my 1970 Childcraft & World Book Encyclopedias and whatever books I ordered from the Weekly Reader or Troll programs at school.
We also played outside a lot. A lot. And we played with Leggos, checkers, and watched TV as well. Ah, what good times! And then when I was about 14 I got an Atari.
As for chores, I washed dishes, raked/mowed the yard, shelled beans/peas, ironed clothes... I also watched my brother for about 2 hours each day until Mom came home from work unless it was one of Dad's off days at work. Basically I was slave labor. They did feed me well though.
When I was a kid, my brothers kept me pretty occupied. They'd often hold me down & dangl loogies over my face.
If we weren't doing that, we were playing "rambo" in the field next to ours. Seriously, that's what we called it.
We were mostly just doing stuff outside. I know that doesn't help you too much. Maybe you should just adopt some big brothers for William.
The only things I can remember playing inside were Legos & board games... or barbies. I also remember writing letters to my friends.
As far as chores go, I'd usual do the "woman's work" chores- dishes, vacuuming, mopping, dusting.
Hope that was helpful! (=
In our family we all had our assignments - mine were to put the silverware away, set the table and collect the garbage. I didn't get outside nearly as much as I should have, I think mainly because I was the only homeschooling kid for miles and was a little bit older when I started, but I did read a lot. The library ran out of Nancy Drew and Hardy Boy books for me to read :)
I think you're in the outside, chores, reading boat. We all did that when we were kiddos, and since I'm the oldest of your commentarians, I'll be the one to say, our kids are in a generation where they've never not had computers and cell phones, so their activities are going to be tweaked a little compared to ours. Keep him reading! He's already too smart!! =)
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