Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Good stuff...

When I was pregnant with William, I suddenly became hyper-aware of all the germs out there. Public restrooms especially freak me out. Here is the best plan I've ever seen for getting out of a restroom clean:

Here is the procedure for being germ-free:
  1. Flush toilet with shoe bottom. Sometimes I look like a Kung-Foo master.
  2. When washing hands, dispense the towel BEFORE you wash your hands. Do not remove it yet.
  3. Turn on the water and wash hands with soap for at least 30 seconds. DO NOT TURN OFF WATER. (You will recontaminate yourself.)
  4. Tear papertowel, with towel turn off the water.
  5. With towel, get more paper towel if necessary. DO NOT THROW PAPER TOWEL AWAY YET.
  6. Use paper towel to open door. If there is not a trash bin by the door and not one easily accessible (like at a McDonalds), throw the paper on the floor. Sound terrible? It is the establishment's own durn fault that there is no sanitary way to exit the bathroom. Especially in a restaurant, you can be sure that your food is being touched by contaminated hands if a trash bin is not near the bathroom door out because the worker must touch the door with a bare hand if he or she also throws away the papertowel. If you find throwing paper on the floor beneath you, at least use part of your shirt to open the door. If you touch the door handle, you might as well have not washed your hands.
The whole post is here.


Crystal said...

Again, like I said, you're weird.

Annette said... that. Is that weird to you?

Crystal said...

I just think she's weird, alright? And I think you're weird, too, so there. (=

Summer from Lorelei Caroline said...

I think you've watched the bloodborne pathogen video one too many times. :)