Monday, March 20, 2006

Anybody in a praying mood...

William and I have hit a road bump in the custody situation. Anybody who reads this, if you could just pray for God to deliver my son. It's the season for deliverance, and the 5 year anniversary this month of our initial deliverance from this mess. Please pray that God will complete that deliverance now, so that William and I can keep moving forward, so that he won't be harmed any more than he already has been. Oh, and peace and strength and the ability to control myself and not crack heads would be good too. I appreciate it.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sad...but true.

I'm watching the Suns and the Clippers right now on ESPN. The Suns are winning 88-60 with just under 7 minutes left in the 3rd quarter. The game is so lopsided that the commentators are having trouble coming up with comments. After a lull just now Tom Tolbert said, "How fast-acting is the Ebola virus?" There was a confused silence from his counterpart before Tolbert continued, "The entire Suns team would have to come down with the Ebola virus for the Clippers to have a chance at this game."

This amused me, so I thought I'd share. :) Seriously, though, 28 pts is a good quarter's worth of points. This is what's called in East Texas a "skunking."