Wednesday, August 24, 2005

All about moving...


I'm tired of moving. So I don't want to talk about it. I want to talk about football. The original football. What we yanks call soccer. On Sunday I was lamenting to myself the lack of people I know who'll talk soccer with me. Then I figured since I was already talking to myself, I might as well talk to myself about soccer.

With the World Cup coming up next summer in Germany, there's lots happening with US soccer. So far so good with qualifying. We're pretty much a lock to qualify. Next up is Mexico, the only team that's beaten us so far in qualifying...but that was in Mexico and this game is in the US of A. Different story. (I hope.) One of the really cool things happening in US soccer is the re-imemergence of Bobby Convey. He was the Freddy Adu before Freddy Adu. He went pro at 16 (also drafted by DC United, ironically enough), but at that time, no one cared. For one thing, he didn't bring down nearly the salary Freddy got as of last year.

Anyway...last year Bobby got transferred to an English team that is competing for promotion to the premiership. He did absolutely abysmally there. Just rotten. He had a hamstring injury when the move happened, and then he got a few national team call-ups, and just never got into the swing of things over there. But this spring, he was able to do the full pre-season in Reading and it has made all the difference in the world. His confidence is back. His speed is back. He's crossing like a magician and he's got his scoring touch back as of 2 goals this past weekend. This is good news because Convey is a natural left-footed player, so he provides a balance to their attack. Lately we've been kind of in a down the center rut on offense because Landon Donovan's playing in the middle. He's been having a great year, but really needs support when the world cup comes.

Oh and Taylor Twellman and Clint Dempsey are a couple of good additions to the national team camp. Twellman is money in front of the goal. He's a little bitty guy, but he out-jumps, out-hustles, out-works the defenders and makes some really awesome goals. Dempsey's called the Texas Tornado (he's from Nacogdoches) and it's a really appropriate nickname. He's everwhere. He's fearless. And he's dangerous. He'll get the ball or die trying...or kill trying...doesn't really matter to him. Last year he got his jaw broken when he dived to head a ball at the same time someone went to kick the ball. He stayed in the game. He played the next game a week later. It wasn't until 12 days later when they even found out his jaw was broken. Then he missed a lot of time, but still came back and produced enough to when the rookie of the year award.

So...American soccer is pretty exciting right now. Sadly, I'm the only person I know who cares.

Friday, August 05, 2005

William said...

Every Friday night I allow William to sleep all night in my bed. This is a big deal for him, since he wants to sleep in my bed all night every night. He calls this tradition "Sabbath night snuggles." Tonight my dad told him, "There's a new rule in this house. From now on there will be no more snuggling on Sabbath nights." William came running to me with a scandalized and worried look on his face. I said, "Can Papa do that?!?" William went running back to Papa, placed his fists on his hips and said, "You can't make that rule! You're not in charge of our snuggles!" :p The boy likes his snuggles....


William: Girls scream and boys don't.
Me: Yep. What do boys do?
William: Pretend they're dinosaurs.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005 long time, no blog. But really, what's to blog. I'm really tired and busy and I'm getting ready to move. Now you're officially updated.